Friday 18 July 2014


Hello everyone...

You guys might know Osa from my first blog post, but I never really introduced him to you. Okay, first of all, his (full) name is Zorossa Leonardo DiCatrio. Well, here's the background story. When I bought him in 2010, I fell in love with him because he was so active and cute. Also, he has this kind of pattern around his eyes and nose and my father said that he looked like the masked hero, Batman and Zorro. At first, I was about to named him Batman because of the pattern, but it sounded so cheesy and too long for such a lil' cuttie (naw), so I named him Zorro. But I needed something catchier, something unique. Then, I decided to called him Zorossa, stands for Nisa's Zorro (or in Indonesia, ZorrOnya niSA. See? ). Because at that time, (I think) my mom was a fan of Leonardo Dicaprio, so she added Leonardo DiCaprio, but I changed it into Leonardo DiCatrio (because he's a cat. Get it? haha).

I remembered after I bought Osa, my cousin and I (she bought a cat too. Her cat's a female cat named Mimi) went to the groceries store to buy our cats's needs. I remembered clearly when we give our cats, inside their baskets, to this place where we put our stuffs in lockers while we went shopping (in Indonesia, we called it tempat penitipan barang), the lady there screamed because she was afraid of cats. I tried to hold my laugh when we saw her expression.

I think that's all. Hope you enjoy and know a little more about Osa. I'll see you on my next post.


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